I'm currently a senior year student majoring in software engineering in Xidian University.
- Passionate about the industry, constantly seeking new solutions and design principles.
- Practical - Strong problem-solving skills, familiarity with real-world practices and workflows.
- Independent & Collaborative - Ability to work efficiently in different environments, even under tight deadlines.
- Quick Learner - Open to any new concepts and fields, adapt to different tech stacks quickly.
Here are the programming languages I have some experience with.
Python is my go-to programming language.
Prototyping, backend development with Flask, GUI programming with Tkinter and basic machine learning with Keras.
Frontend development with Vue & Vuex, backend development with Express, automated testing with Nightwatch.js, browser automation with Puppeteer.js
I've written projects in C++, and would be comfortable to participate in projects with a C++ codebase.
Project expreience with Java & Maven, simple GUI programming with Swing.
I'm also open to leaning any other programming languages, like C#, Go, Swiwt, Ruby, etc..
I'm pretty stoked about web development.
I have some basic frontend skills like HTML, CSS and JS, with project experience in Vue (Vuetify).
RESTful APIs with Python + Flask, Node + Express. I am pretty comfortable with backend development.
Familiar with SQL and CRUD operations. Experiences with MySQL & MongoDB, and a little bit of Redis & HBase.
Understanding of recent architectures and patterns like microservices, event-driven and serverless.
I'm intrested in operations, and DevOps methods. My abilities in the ops sector include:
Experience in bare-metal servers (in my homelab), hypervisors and linux based server OSs.
Development & deployment with Docker, and experience with Kubernetes & Helm.
Ability to create a basic CI/CD pipeline with platforms like GitHub Actions and toolsets like docker-compose.
Knowledge about networking, expirence with switches, routers and proxies.
Ability to use Git in a collaborative environment. Ability to write documents in Markdown.
Pays close attention to coding standards.
Scientific graphing with Origin.
Landscape and architecture photography; video production, editing and VFX.
Fluency in Chinese and English, and basic communications in Russian. Привет!
2019.01 National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students Innovation training program, Project participant
2019.07 Paper "Fluoride-responsive organogel based on hydrazide derivatives" Co-author
2018.09-2019.09 Impression Visuals, Student Union of Xidian University Head of Impression Visuals
2020.07 Full Stack Development - Air Quality Checker Vue, Express, Serverless
2019.12 Big-data Platform (Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Kafka...) Deployment Docker, Kubernetes, Helm
2019.11 Talk - Event Driven Behavioral Design Reveal.js, GSAP
2019.12 One-night Project - Graphing Language Interpreter Python, ANTLR, matplotlib
2019.06 One-night Project - Simple Hospital Registration Management Python, MySQL, Tkinter
2019.05 One-night Project - Flight Booking System Python, MySQL, Tkinter
2018.05 Total Packaging (VCRs, 10-second Promos, ...) for participants of Xidian's Singer Contest
2018.06 VFX & Motion Graphics Design for the finals of Xidian's Singer Contest
2019.03 Warm-up Promo for Xidian's Singer Contest Creative Design, Cinematography, Colorist & Editor
2019.03-2019.06 Vairous Videography Projects for Xidian's Singer Contest Project Management